
This is my teaching blog for classes of A Level Literature, Language & Literature, Communication & Culture and IB English. Please find regular course updates, useful links and extra resources below, or click on the name of your course for more information.

Monday, 15 December 2014

AS Literature - Critical Approaches

Here are our initial notes on three critical approaches to Literature:
... as we continue to consider our two coursework texts ('Revolutionary Road' and 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'), ask yourself which of these approaches you could adopt in your comparison.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Sunday, 23 November 2014

A2 Comms - Objects of Desire

How has Coca Cola used Christmas (and even shaped our meanings of Christmas) as a way of constructing the soft drink as a desirable cultural product?

Haddon Sundblom's early pictures of Santa Claus for Coca Cola in the 1930s were inspired by the 19th century poem Twas the Night before Christmas:

Group 1: 1995 advert
Group 2: 1997 advert
Group 3: 1998 advert
Group 4: 2014 advert

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

A2 Comms - Objects of Desire

Here are the posters created in class, responding to various statements on the cultural site 'Objects of Desire':

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

AS Comms - Intro to NVC

Watch this clip, from David Mitchell's 'Soapbox' series, where he reflects on how our NVC is often staged for a public audience:

Saturday, 25 October 2014

A2 Comms - Rivers of Blood

Watch this to get a sense  of the impact of Enoch Powell's Rivers of Bloodspeech, and to hear an extract from the speech itself...

(Please note the title 'British Hero' is a deliberately provocative one!)

Thursday, 23 October 2014

A2 Comms - Edward Said

Watch this clip to see Edward Said explain what influenced him to write 'Orientalism' and the key ideas within it:

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

A2 Comms - Colonial Attitudes

This advert for Pear's Soap is a great demonstration of colonial attitudes:

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

AS Comms - Your Last Facebook Post

This TED Talk might get you to reflect in some interesting ways in preparation for starting your AS Comms coursework this week:

Monday, 20 October 2014

AS Comms - Accents

Here's an article about how different accents are perceived as signifying different levels of power to different people: click here.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

AS Comms - Body Language

This is a 'Ted talk' about the power of body language (NVC) in influencing ourselves as well as others.

A2 Comms - Colonialism and Kenya

This a good clip to watch to help us really understand how the processes of Colonialism started, in this case in Kenya:

Kenya and its colonial past is in the news at the moment because of a court case that is being brought against the British government by three Kenyans tortured under colonial rule in the 1950s. You can read about the case by clicking here. And - you can find out more about the Mau Mau rebellion which led to this torture by watching this.

Monday, 13 October 2014

AS Comms - What is Culture?

Re-visit some of the thinking you did in week one with these varying responses to the question 'What is Culture?'

A2 Language - Language Change

Click HERE to access resources on Language Change (you'll need your Moodle login)

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

A2 Comms - Terry Eagleton on Marx

Watch this talk by the Marxist literary critic Terry Eagleton as he presents his book 'Why Marx Was Right':

Monday, 6 October 2014

A2 Language - Child Language Acquisition

Click HERE to access the Moodle resources on Child Language Acquisition (you'll be asked for your Moodle login)

Saturday, 4 October 2014

AS Comms - Semiotics

In order to revise your understanding of Semiotics, take a look at THIS online presentation.

Friday, 3 October 2014

A2 Comms - Postmodernism

Watch this clip from the film 'Falling Down' in preparation for your next lesson on Postmodernism.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Here's an excellent BBC Radio 4 documentary on Erving Goffman. Listen HERE to supplement your learning in class.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

AS Comms - Goffman and Facebook

Here is an essay about how we might apply Goffman to Facebook. It's a challenging read but worth having a go at, especially if you are aiming for a top grade. Click here to read it.

A2 Comms - Ideology

HERE's an excellent link - courtesy of Jon Clay - revealing philosopher Slavoj Žižek 's exploration of ideology (an A2 Comms key concept)

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

A2 Comms - The Communist Manifesto

Along with Das Kapital Marx's most famous text was The Communist Manifesto, which you can take a look at by clicking here.

Monday, 29 September 2014

AS Comms - Erving Goffman

To support your understanding of the theorist Erving Goffman, take a look at the short presentation below:

A2 Comms - Marxist Analysis of Fairy Tales

Click here to read a Marxist analysis of fairy tales and click here to read a Marxist fairy tale! Both are worth a  read and will help develop your understanding of Marxism further.

A2 Comms - Political Compass

As we discuss political movements such as Feminism and Marxism, you may be interested in finding out which way your political views lie. If so, Click here to take the political compass test.

AS Comms - Pygmalion Effect

Watch this short clip showing Jane Elliott's research into the phenomenon we call the 'Pygmalion Effect':

AS Language - Categorising Texts

Click HERE and HERE for useful resources on Categorising Texts (you'll need your Moodle login for access)

Saturday, 27 September 2014

AS Comms - Johari and Rogers

Click here to read how one individual applies the Johari window and Rogers' Concentric Circle Model to her own taste in music.

A2 Comms - Exploited or Empowered Chinese Workers?

Here's a fascinating TED Talk which challenges many Marxist assumptions about the experience of Chinese factory workers:

Friday, 26 September 2014

AS Comms - Self Esteem

Read THIS article on some of the possible dangers of high self esteem. This supports some of our classroom discussion from last week.

A2 Comms - Feminism

To support our learning on Feminist readings of everyday culture, watch this short interview with Kat Banyard on the lack of women in British parliamentary politics:

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

A2 Comms - Killing Us Softly

This is perfect for both the Feminism and Objects of Desire units of this course:

AS Communication and Culture - Goffman

Please click on this link to a prezi which accompanies your learning this week on the theorist Erving Goffman:


Sunday, 14 September 2014

GCSE Descriptive Writing

Click HERE to get a head start on this week's descriptive writing task, by reading an extract by Roald Dahl.

A2 Lit - King Lear

HERE's a Prezi to refresh your memory on The Wheel of Fortune and the Chain of Being:

Friday, 12 September 2014

AS Comms - Johari Window

One of our focuses in class this week will be the Johari Window. Here's a prezi explaining this model of communication:


... and here's a video lecture:

AS Comms - Johari Window

One of our focuses in class this week will be the Johari Window. Here's a prezi explaining this model of communication:


... and here's a video lecture:

Thursday, 11 September 2014

GCSE Course Booklet

Click HERE to access the course booklet for the GCSE re-take course this year (you may be asked to log in to Moodle

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Monday, 8 September 2014

Monday, 3 February 2014

Friday, 17 January 2014

A2 Literature

Take a look at this padlet of the A2 Lit group's response to Plath's 'Morning Song', comparing it with their other two coursework texts:

Monday, 13 January 2014

A2 Literature - Sylvia Plath Interview

Click HERE for an interview with Sylvia Plath. As you listen, take notes as her responses could be quoted in your coursework essays as (AO3) 'Other Interpretations'.