
This is my teaching blog for classes of A Level Literature, Language & Literature, Communication & Culture and IB English. Please find regular course updates, useful links and extra resources below, or click on the name of your course for more information.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

AS and A2 Literature

Click HERE for an amazing resource on 'Revolutionary Road', which explains every contextual reference mentioned in the novel. Enjoy!

AS Literature

THIS is a stunning resource on Frankenstein. Each contextual / biographical reference is explored in detail - a perfect accompaniment to your reading!

Monday, 26 November 2012

A2 Comms

Fictions: Click HERE for a podcast on the role of fiction in history and biography.

A2 Literature

Click HERE for a podcast on psychoanalysis and literature to complement our Freudian reading of 'Hedda Gabler' last week.

A2 Comms

Click HERE for a podcast debate on the very word: culture.

AS Literature

To complement our work on 'Frankenstein', click HERE for an interesting discussion about other examples of epistolary literature or HERE for a podcast on the Gothic genre.

A2 Comms

Postcolonialism: Listen to THIS podcast on 'Cultural Imperialism' and / or THIS podcast on multiculturalism to revise your understanding of this unit.

AS Comms

As we launch Coursework B this week, please click on the links below for various sources / ideas that are relevant to many of the suggested topics

1) 'Dinner Makes a Difference' (TED Talk by Laurie David) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzB0BDstCI0
2) 'Outnumbered' First part of first episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fBBppLsu2s
6) 'McDonalds Family' (Family in advertising) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivxP-UujQak

1) 'Inbetweeners' Movie trailer (teenage holidays) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3HzTKbsqsY
2) 'Don't Tell The Bride' (weddings) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P3mIsQw9PY
3) 'Educating Essex' (starting a new school) http://www.channel4.com/programmes/educating-essex/4od
4) 'My Sweet Sixteen' (landmark birthdays) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgc5kQhPza0
… and Charlie Brooker's take on them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b7mwTK564o
5) 'Music to Grow Up By' (Growing Up and Popular Music) http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2011/nov/27/music-grow-up-by?INTCMP=SRCH